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Servicom and service delivery in the public service (business admin) 52 pages

Servicom and service delivery in the public service (business admin) 52 pages


The government has induced series of measures that focuses on improving the
service delivery function of public service organizations. Hence the ability of the public
service to continue to serve competently depends on its capacity to improve their level of

SERVICOM signals a realization that the public service can do better in
order to serve the public adequately. This research focuses on the impact of SERVICOM
in public service organisation. The methodology used in the study was a selection of 200
respondents from five government ministries in Benin City. Questionnaires were
administered to all the main stakeholders in the services delivery chain, both staff and
customers of organizations. The analysis of result shows that SERVICOM is gradually
improving the quality of service in the public service. However little attention has been
given to training, monitoring and evaluation of performance. The study recommends
training and increase in public awareness. It also recommends monitoring and evaluation
of performance to ensure that SERVICOM delivers what it promises..............ORDER FOR COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIAL NOW!! .

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