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impact of top rank hotels profitability through advertising in n.t.a. enugu (58 page)

impact of top rank hotels profitability through advertising in n.t.a. enugu (58 page)


1.1 Background of the Study
The impact of advertising for businesses and brands in the 21st century has
become imperatively permanent and therefore cannot be overemphasized.
Advertising, it is generally believed, dates back as old as man himself,
and thus has been present in his economic and socio-political life before recorded
civilization began.

Sapso (1975, p. 9) opined; “there is little doubt among trade men and
merchants to make good their waves, has had on existence almost as long as the
customs of buying and selling, and it is but natural to suppose that advertisement
in some shape or form have existed not only from time immemorial, but almost
for all time”.

Anyone living and working in any modern day society today is directly or
indirectly under the influence of advertising, as businesses (domestic and transnational)
have tapped and ceaselessly benefited from the visibly roboust
economic rewards that accrue, steady, sensible, communicative, persuasive and
convincing advertising whether through the media (electronic and print) or
through marketing drives from personal relations, the fundamental imitative has
always been, getting goods, products and services through to the largest and............ORDER FOR COMPLETE PROJECT MATERIAL NOW!! .

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