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Development of Reproductive Health Enhancement Programme for in-School Adolescents in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria


The purpose of the study was to develop a Reproductive Health Enhancement Programme for in-school adolescent in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. To achieve the purpose thirteen research Questions were posed and 13 hypotheses postulated and tested at .05 level of significance. A modified seven steps research and development design was utilized for the study. The study Population consisted of ion-school adolescents (57600) and health and physical education experts (40) in University of Nigeria, Nsukka, University of Uyo and College of Education, Afaha Nsit, Akwa Ibom State. A sample of 2880 in-school adolescents was drawn from the population using a multi-stage sampling procedure. Four types of instruments were used for the study. The Reproductive Health Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Questionnaire (RHKAPQ), The Reproductive Health Focus Discussion Guide (RHFGDG), The Reproductive Health Enhancement Evaluation Guide and the Reproductive Health Enhancement Programme Questionnaire (REHEPQ). Two sets of the instrument (RHKAPQ AND REHEPQ) were subjected to validation by five experts from the Department of Health Education, Science Education and Educational Foundations. The reliability indices of the RHKAPQ was .76, .74 and .61. The REHEPEC reliability index was .65. Research questions were answered using means and standard deviations. Null hypotheses were tested using ANCOVA. The findings of the baseline data revealed that in-school adolescents possessed moderate (52%) level of reproductive health (RH) knowledge demonstrative positive (X=2.68) attitude to RH and sometimes practiced the various components of RH. On the basis of there, the Reproductive Health Enhancement Programme (REHEP) was developed. All the items of rationale (X= 3.53), philosophies (X= 3.50), goals (X= 3.59), objectives (X= 3.39), contents (X = 3.67), methods and materials (X = 3.58) and evaluation techniques (X = 3.51) were adjudged suitable or very suitable for inclusion in REHEP. After subjecting the REHEP to trial testing, the finding showed that RH knowledge of male and female, urban and rural and those aged 11-14 and 15-19 possessed very high knowledge; they demonstrated positive attitude, and the adolescents sometimes practiced the components of RH. There was significant difference in the RH knowledge, attitude and extent of practice of RH of in-school adolescents exposed to REHEP and those not exposed to REHEP No significance difference was found in the attitude of in-school adolescent exposed to REHEP according to gender, age and location. There was no significant difference in the extent of RH practice of those exposed to REHEP according to location and age while there was significant difference in the extent of RH practice according to gender. Based on the findings, it was recommended that REHEP should to adopted and implemented by relevant agencies of federal, state and local governments, non-governmental organizations and churches.

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