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Effect of Guided Discovery Learning on Students Achievement in Final Account in Financial Accounting in Colleges of Education in Edo State


This study explored the effect of guided discovery learning on student’s achievement in final account in financial accounting in colleges of education in Edo State. The study adopted a quasi- experimental design, specifically, the pre-test, post-test non-equivalent control group design. Four research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The study was conducted in the two colleges of education Edo State. This study involved the use of intact classes. Out of the two colleges of education one school was assigned to experimental group while the remaining school was assigned to the control group. The experimental group was taught guided discovery learning approach while the control group taught using the conventional (lecture) method. Financial Accounting Achievement test was used for data collection. Mean was used to answer the four research questions while ANCOVA was used to test the three null hypotheses at P<0 .05="" accounting="" achievement.="" achievement="" adopted="" and="" approach.="" approach="" based="" be="" benefited="" calls="" counterparts="" current="" discovery="" div="" effective="" ensure="" facilitating="" female="" financial="" findings="" for="" full="" guided="" in="" incorporation="" instructional="" it="" learning="" male="" model.="" more="" of="" on="" our="" proper="" recommended="" result="" revealed="" review="" s="" school="" should="" significantly="" student="" study="" system="" teachers="" teaching="" test="" than="" that="" the="" their="" therefore="" this="" to="" trained="" urgent="" use="" using="" was="">

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