This study titled “Re-engineering the National Economic Empowerment
and Development Strategy (NEEDS)” is aimed at examining and
determining a management approach to be adopted to make the
implementation of NEEDS very effective. Specifically, the objectives are
to determine the extent to which the poor and unemployed are targeted by
NEEDS, how misappropriation of budgeting allocations affects NEEDS
implementation and ascertain the efficacy of implementation and
coordinating mechanisms for NEEDS among others. Data were collected
from both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources were
those who completed the questionnaires and those who were orally
Secondary data were collected from textbooks, journals,
magazines, etc. the data were presented in tables as frequency
distribution. In the analysis, the techniques of percentage and frequency
of the study were; the NEEDS policy targets have not been achieved the
shortcomings in the design and implementation of NEEDS policy calls
for reengineering of the strategies. In planning, the poor and unemployed
have to be properly targeted, programme have to be adequately funded. In
organizing, programmes should be streamlined in line with available
resources and the relevant MDA’s should be re-organized and manned by
men of integrity. In controlling, there should be effective supervision,
monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. In all, emphasis should be
focused on integrity, transparency accountability, fiscal discipline and
collaboration of all NEEDS activities.