The study investigated marital communication, sexual satisfaction and emotional intelligence as predictors of marital conflict among married couples having marital conflict. Participants for the study consisted of 200 (100 married men) and (100 married women drawn from social welfare units located in four different Local Government Areas. Four instruments to include: Personal report of spouse communication apprehension, PAIR sexual Intimacy scale, Brief emotional Intelligence scale and Self-report conflict behaviour scale were used in the study. Linear regression was used for data analysis and the result showed that marital communication significantly predict marital conflict (β= .17, t =2.79, p < .001). The result showed that sexual satisfaction significantly predict marital conflict (β= -.67, t = 10.11, P < .001). Emotional intelligence significantly predicted marital conflict (β= -.68, t = -11.05, P <.001). The implications and limitations of the findings were highlighted and suggestions made for further studies.