The purpose of this study was to identtfy th in-serviw education needs of Adult Literacy Instructors in Enugu State. The study was guided by six research questions and two hypotheses which were directed at the in-service education needs. To provide the theoretical base for the study a number of literature were reviewed in the follows areas: 1. Concept of in-servica training. 2. Skills of effective teaching. 3.Administrative skills. 4. Counselling skills 5.Skills of evaluating learner's performance ' 6. Skills of effective community relationship The survey design was used as the research methodology.The population consisted of seven hundred and thirty ssvem subjects. By the use of simple random sampling techniques, 35 percent which represented two hundred and sixty two respondents were &lected to serve as the sample for the study. Two sections of questionnaire were drawn for the adult literacy instructors. The data collected was analyzed. Research question one to five was analyzed using mean while hypotheses was analyzed with chi-square statistics of45% level of significance. The summary of findings, discussion, implications of the study,conclusions, recommsndations, limitations and sug$estions for further study was included.