Consumerism is a social and economic order that is based on the systematic creation and
fostering of a desire to purchase goods and services in greater amount. However, modern
consumerism can be said to have strong link with the western world, but it is in fact an
international phenomena. People purchasing goods and consuming materials in excess of this
basic needs is as old as the first civilization. But in Nigeria, of all the rights in consumer
protection, the only that is accorded the Nigerian consumers is the right to choose from an
array of products that are dominated by fake substandard and deceitful products. It was
therefore in line with the above that this research intends to determine the effects of
consumerism in products marketing, to examine government efforts in consumerism and its
influence on product marketing, to investigate the roles independent organizations in
consumerism movement and its impact on marketing activities, to ascertain whether
manufacturers imbibe marketing and business ethics in product marketing and sales. This
research adopted the survey research design utilizing primary and secondary data.
Questionnaires were distributed to four groups of respondents, consumers, retailers and
distributors, management and staff of government consumerism agencies and manufacturers of
various products, the sample size of 417 was used.
The data was analysed using the t-test
ANOVA non parametric statistical model in evaluating the hypotheses. The result of the
analyses obtained from the research showed that consumerism movement in Nigerian have an
effect on product marketing in Nigeria, government efforts in consumerism have an effect on
the way products are marketed in Nigeria, independent consumerism organizations do not have
significant impact on product marketing in Nigeria, Nigeria manufacturers do not imbibe
marketing business ethics in the production of goods marketed and sold to the general public.
Though, consumerism cannot be said to have strong footing in Nigeria, efforts must be made
by all stakeholders to ensure that consumerism movement is established as to ensure good
product marketing in Nigeria.